User activity audit
User activity audit

user activity audit


The report retrieves a value like “Windows NT 6.2” for operating system, which could be either “Windows 8” or Windows Server 2012. This is because the report parses the User Agent string of the request to extract device, operating system, and application information.

user activity audit

For example, the report shows the client operating system name, but the user could have accessed OneDrive for work or school from the server operating system. The User activity reports cannot currently distinguish between a client and server operating system. SharingSet: This event is capture when a user creates or updates a permission sharing to a file or folder. SharingRevoked: This event is captured when a user revokes the sharing permission to a file or folder to a designated user, in other words the designated user will not have access to the resource SharedLinkDisabled: This event is captured when a user disables a sharing link in other words, the previously created link will not be accessible anymore. SharedLinkCreated: This event is captured when a user creates a View or Edit link. Other views captured capture of other view events will be added during the Beta period. This also prevents other users from saving changes.įileCheckedOutDiscarded: This event is capture when a user discards the lock on a previously checked out file.įileCopied: This event is captured when a user creates a copy of a file located in a document library.įileDeleted: This event is captured when the user deletes a file from the OneDrive for work or school clients.įileDownloaded: This event is captured when the user downloads a copy of a file to his or her hard drive.įileModified: This event is captured when a user saves a file or when a file is auto-saved.įileMoved: This event is captured when a user moves a file located in document library into another folder located in document library.įileRenamed: This event is captured when a user renames a file.įileRestored: This event is captured when a user restores his or her file from the site recycling bin.įileUploaded: This event is captured when a user uploads a file to a document library.įileViewed: This event is captured when a user views a file from Office Online apps.

user activity audit

Collaboration activitiesĪccessInvitationAccepted: This event is captured when a user accepts an external user invitation to access a file or folder.ĪccessInvitationCreated: This event is captured when a user invites an external user to access a file or folder.ĪccessInvitationExpired: This event is captured automatically after 7 days, when an invitation to external user has not been acted upon.ĪccessInvitationRevoked: This event is captured when a user revokes an external user invitation to a file or folder.ĪccessInvitationUpdated: This event is captured when a user updates an existing external user invitation.ĪccessRequestApproved: This event is captured when a user approves an internal user to access a file or folder.ĪccessRequestCreated: This event is captured when an internal user requests to access another user's file or folder for which he or she does not have permissions.ĪccessRequestExpired: This event is captured automatically after 7 days, when an access request has not been acted upon by user.ĪccessRequestRejected: This event is captured when a user rejects an internal user request to access a file or folderįileCheckedIn: This event is captured when a user checks in a file that was previously checked out.įileCheckedOut: This event is captured when a user checks out a file. Data will be accurate, but the appearance of this report and the underlying schema of this report may change over time. Note: The OneDrive for work or school User activity logs report is in Beta.

User activity audit