Bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus
Bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus

bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus

Self-regulation - of emotions, moods, and time - is a battle people with ADHD fight every day.

bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus

It’s that gap between intention and action.” “You know what you ought to do, and you’re not able to bring yourself to do it. “The basic notion of procrastination as a self-regulation failure is pretty clear,” says Tim Pychyl, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Carleton University and head of The Procrastination Research Group, which has conducted extensive research on the subject. According to Fuschia Sirois, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Sheffield, in England, “People engage in chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods around a task.” Research shows that procrastination avoidance actually stems from one’s ability to self-regulate emotions and moods. “It has nothing to do with time management.” “To tell the chronic procrastinator just do it is like telling a person with a clinical mood disorder to cheer up,” says Joseph Ferrari, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at DePaul University’s College of Science and Health, and the author of Still Procrastinating: The No-Regrets Guide to Getting It Done (#CommissionsEarned). This is not a wild new theory it is the finding from multiple research projects dedicated to studying procrastination. You procrastinate because you’re unable to effectively regulate your own emotions - a trademark symptom of ADHD. You don’t procrastinate because you are lazy. Why Do I Procrastinate? Self-Regulation Is to Blame

Bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus